You live, work or play right here in Vancouver. It's that simple, right? Not so much.
Foremost, whatever brings you to the neighborhood- thank you for your interest and involvement in your Community. Grab another cup of coffee, tea or get a snack and let's dive right into it!
So...welcome to “Vancouver, not B.C., Washington, not D.C., Clark County, not Nevada, Near Portland, Ore., not Maine”. You already knew that part though so let's keep going. For a quick read, simply read this post. For a detailed read, click on the links in the text. Ready? Set. Let's Go!
Did you know that Sifton is NOT within the Vancouver city limits? We (meaning you too) are in the unincorporated Vancouver Urban Growth Area of Clark County. There are Neighborhood Associations within the City as well as the County and it's common to refer to a geographic area by it's neighborhood name, such as ours- Sifton. Neighborhoods are also specified for property information, real estate listings, and development.
Moving right is the way your County is organized and where it and other government offices are located. An easy way to connect with your County is by attending a Neighborhood Association meeting. We have a different topic and/or guest speaker every meeting, County/Government and other. Tell us what interests you or what you'd like to know more about, your input and feedback makes these meetings (and your time) worthwhile.
What level you wish to connect with Sifton Neighborhood Association, the County and Community in general is up to you. There is no "one size fits all" and it is different for each person. Much like politics, different for everyone.
Do you vote? Yes or No, understand that Clark County is further divided by geographic areas into Districts. Each District is represented by a Commissioner and together they make up the Board of Clark County Commissioners.
Test: Which District or Commissioner represents Sifton? If you answered, District 1/Tom Mielke or District 3/Steve Stuart that is incorrect. If you didn't know the answer, then you learned at least one thing new today! Answer: Sifton is located in District 2, represented by Commissioner David Madore.
So there you have it. It's that simple, right? Not so much. Perhaps you've learned more about where you live, work or play. Thank you for sharing some of your day/night with us. See you at a meeting?
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